Discover the rich history and culture of Nubia through our immersive virtual exhibits. Join us on a journey through time explore the wonders of this ancient civilization.
The Nubian Geographic
The Nubian Geographic
Nubian Geo:"Exploring the Multiverse: Crystal City & Spiritual Alignment Through Color Activation
🌍 The Legacy of Ahlul Bayt in Africa and the Ansar Sudanese Peacekeepers 🌟
Imam Ali The Unyielding Defender of Faith, Justice, and Truth
Induction of Imam Ali Abdullah as Khalifiyah of the West — The Supreme Grand Mufti
Nubian Geographic
U.N.E.S.C.O., (the United Nations Economic Social and Cultural Organization), promoted a publicity drive to educate the rest of the world to the value of these monuments. As part of this publicity, several countries issued stamps. Some of these are illustrated here.
Dr. Ali ABY Muhammed Al Mahdi
Founder, Curator, Historian
The Nubian Geographic
Nubian Square, Roxbury MA
May our discoveries enhance your outlook on the Nubians and our many contributions current as-well as through out history.
Hortencia D.
Coach, Scholar, Humanitarian &
Nubian Ambassador
Fogo, Cabo Verde
Greetings to all from
Sayyid Aqiyl Abdul-Rahman Ibn Ibrahima Sori~
Dr. Yahanna Bell
Academic Scholar, Humanitarian &
Nubian Ambassador
Atlanta, GA
Our Nubian heritage has found a home on this global platform. Thank you
Nubian Geographic